Rene Jarquin, Chief Investment Officer at Single Point Partners discusses monetary policy and the current states of the interest rates and the impact to the consumer.
Author: avrivera
Discovering the Law interview with Mergers and Acquisitions Professor Kevin Handly
Today we learned about Banking Regulation, Bank Mergers, Too Big to Fail, the recent banking crisis and the steps adopted to address and soften a future banking crisis.
Interview with Suffolk University Law School Immigration Law Professor Ragini Shah
Professor Ragini Shah talks to us about Immigration Law in the United States. Learn about Immigration asylum and deportations.
Massachusetts Women’s Political Caucus (MWPC) President, Gail Jackson-Blount
Gail Jackson-Blount, President of the Massachusetts Women’s Political Caucus (MWPC). Gail Jackson-Blount, talked about the mission and the goals of the organization to promote women civic participation.
Honorable Joan N. Feeney, United States Bankruptcy Judge for the District of Massachusetts.
Judge Feeney talks to us about financial literacy and about bankruptcy, federal court procedure that helps consumers and businesses get rid of their debts and repay their creditors.
Supreme Judicial Court Justice Gaziano, the Dookhan case and the Hinton Crime Laboratory
Justice Gaziano talks about the Annie Dookhan case, she is a former chemist of a Massachusetts crime lab who admitted to falsifying evidence, affecting up to 34,000 cases.
Massachusetts Client’s Security Board of the Supreme Judicial Court
Karen D. O’Toole, Esq., General Counsel of the Clients’ Security Board and D. Ethan Jeffrey, Esq., Chairman of the Board talk about their invaluable public service. The Board members are authorized under the rules of the Supreme Judicial Court to grant money to a member of the public who has suffered a financial loss only when the financial loss was caused by a defalcation.
Interview with MBA President Jeff Catalano
The Massachusetts Bar Association (MBA) is a non-profit organization that serves the legal profession and the public by promoting the administration of justice, legal education, professional excellence and respect for the law.
Secretary of the Executive Office of Public Safety and Security, Attorney Daniel Bennett
Secretary Bennett talks bout the Massachusetts Executive Office of Public Safety and Security and talks about public safety initiatives under the Baker-Polito administration.
Interview with Attorney Frank Morrissey, Morrissey, Wilson & Zafiropoulos, LLP
Professor Morrissey discusses Bankruptcy, a process that allows consumers and businesses to repay some or all of their debts under the protection of the federal bankruptcy court.
Interview with Professor Sara Kelsey, Esq.
Former FDIC General Counsel, Professor Sara Kelsey discusses the 2008 financial crisis. In this episode we learn about banking structure and insured depository institutions. We learn about the FDIC, its relation to banks and about the agency’s role during the financial crisis .
Interview with Massachusetts Supreme Court Justice Geraldine Hines
Justice Hines speaks about the organization and structure of the Massachusetts Supreme Court. She explains how cases at decided at the Massachusetts Supreme Judicial Court. Justice Hines discusses some important decisions that the Court decided.
Interview with City Councilor Josh Zakim
City Councilor Josh Zakim discusses the City of Bostons Budget and where this money will be allocated. Learn about this topic and about other programs in the City of Boston.
Interview with renowned legal scholar Professor Tamar Frankel
Professor Frankel offers a comprehensive description of a Ponzi scheme and flags the methods Ponzi schemers use to dazzle wealthy, educated individuals to hand over huge sums of money.
Interview with Congressman Mike Capuano
Congressman Mike Capuano discusses the budget, and his contribution to improve public transportation in Massachusetts. He touches on foreign policy issues including Sudan and South Sudan.